Information about the Italian Greyhound
About the Italian Greyhound. Arbeidsutvalget for Italiensk Mynde (2015). Italiensk Mynde. Hundesport 116(4), 28-30. (Norwegian text): Om Italiensk Mynde – Hundesport nr.4 2015
Rasespesifikk avlsstrategi (RAS) for Italiensk mynde (Norwegian text): Italiensk mynde RAS
The Norwegian Kennel Club “about the breed” (Norwegian text): Om Italiensk Mynde
Breed standard
DNA tests
UC Davis has 3 tests for diseases PRA (susceptibility to PRA), FEH (Familial Enamel Hypoplasia), and PCAG (primary closed angle glaucoma)
More information and order test: UC Davis Italian Greyhound
Eye examination
Eye checking the dogs at a authorized veterinarian is a good diagnostic examination, as well as a good screening tool. In Norway we use ECVO (European College of Veterinary Opthalmologists). The ECVO Eye Scheme covers 14 inherited eye conditions in dogs. Dogs are classified as unaffected, affected or suspicious. However, it also includes a general examination of the eye and adnexa, so it may reveal other (not inherited) eye diseases as well. The Norwegian Veterinary Association recommends to eye check the dog every year when the dog is used in breeding. Other dogs at age 1, 3 and 7.
Link to Norwegian Kennel Club “Eye disease” (Norwegian text): NKK Øyelidelser
Link “Breeding recommendations” by The Norwegian Veterinary Association (Norwegian text): Avslanbefalinger
The cataract project
The Norwegian Kennel Club, The Norwegian Sighthound Club and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is now collecting DNA sampels of Italian Greyhound in a study to find a DNA test of the disease. If you have a dog over 7 years that is eye examined without cataract or a dog who is examined affected feel free to contact!
Link about the project (Norwegian text): Kataraktprosjektet
Patella luxation
In Norway, a veterinarian who has an agreement with The Norwegian Kennel Club, do the examination and register the results in the database. Under you find the link with information of how you get your dog checked for patella luxation.
Link to The Norwegian Kennel Club “Patella luxation” (Norwegian text): NKK patellaluksasjon
Dog Show
About Dog Show. The Norwegian Kennel Club (Norwegian text): NKK utstilling
New in the ring. The Norwegian Kennel Club (Norwegian text): Ny i ringen
The dog must achieve three certificates (CERT), from three different judges, and at least one certificate must be attained at a dog show arranged by Norwegian Kennel Club; NKK, or at a show where the breed club is given permission to award a certificate which is equal to a certificate won at a NKK show. At least one of the certificates must be won when the dog is 24 months or older. Exception: A dog that already has achieved a national champion title in one of the Nordic countries, can become a Norwegian Show Champion when the dog achieves a certificate at an international dog show (or at a show where the breed club is given the opportunity to award certificates equal to a certificate won at a NKK show)
Lure Coursing
Lure coursing is a sport for dogs that involves chasing a mechanically operated lure. In lure coursing, dogs chase an artificial lure across a field, following a pattern that is meant to simulate live coursing.
More information:
Sighthound Clubs
Norway: – Facebook & – Facebook
Denmark: – Facebook